ARGoS3 Plug-in for the pi-puck
Make sure you have ARGoS >= 3.0.0-beta56 installed. You will also need a version of gcc >= 6.1.0 for the simulator, and >= 9.1.0 to build for a robot.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src
sudo make install
Make sure your environment variables are set up properly. If you haven't set them up, set them up in bash like so (or add them to the end of your ~/.bashrc file):
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/argos3_install/lib/argos3/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=path/to/argos3_install/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
export PATH=path/to/argos3_install/bin:$PATH
Next do the following
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
As you’ll be using custom models, you need to make sure ARGoS is looking for them in the correct directory. (For more information on this, see the README for ilpincy/argos3)
If you’re using Linux, you need to edit $HOME/.config/Iridia-ULB/ARGoS.conf
with the following:
# other stuff
# more stuff
On Mac, write the following into your command line:
$ defaults write info.argos-sim.ARGoS MainWindow.texture_dir -string "/PATH/TO/argos3/src/plugins/simulator/visualizations/qt-opengl/textures/"
$ defaults write info.argos-sim.ARGoS MainWindow.model_dir -string "/PATH/TO/argos3/src/plugins/simulator/visualizations/qt-opengl/models/"
$ defaults write info.argos-sim.ARGoS MainWindow.icon_dir -string "/PATH/TO/argos3/src/plugins/simulator/visualizations/qt-opengl/icons/"
$ killall -u YOURUSERNAME cfprefsd
substituting /PATH/TO/ with the path to your ARGoS installation and and USERNAME with your own username.
You should now be able to run the pipuck example with
argos3 -c path/to/argos3-pipuck/build/testing/pi-puck/test_pipuck.argos
You can check that the plugin has been properly installed by running the following command
argos3 -q pipuck
There is a demo that loads a lua controller that shows how to drive the robot around, how to use the ground sensors, and how to control the LEDs. You can run this with the following command from your argos3-pipuck/ directory:
argos3 -c src/testing/pi-puck/simulator/experiment/test_pipuck_lua.argos
Finally, a second demo that uses a c++ controller exists, using the same pathfinder algorithm as the lua test. To use it, run the following command from the argos3-pipuck/ directory:
argos3 -c src/testing/pi-puck/simulator/experiment/test_pipuck_cpp.argos