This is a collection of Ansible playbooks to build York University Digital Library. It is based off of the Islandora Foundation's Playbook.
This repository contains a collection of Ansible playbooks used to build York University Digital Library. It is based on the Islandora Foundation's Playbook.
By default, the virtual machine is allocated 4GB of RAM. Ensure your host machine has enough available memory to support this.
You can override the CPU and RAM allocation by setting the ISLANDORA_VAGRANT_CPUS
environment variables.
For example, on an Ubuntu host, you can add the following lines to ~/.bashrc
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
vagrant up
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory/production playbook.yml -e "islandora_distro=ubuntu/focal64" --extra-vars "env=production"
You can connect to the machine via the browser at http://localhost:8000.
The default Drupal login details are:
- username: admin
- password: islandora
- username: drupal8
- password: islandora
The Fedora REST API can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest.
Authentication is done via Syn using JWT tokens.
You can access the Solr administration UI at http://localhost:8983/solr/
The default ActiveMQ login details are:
- username: admin
- password: islandora
You can access the ActiveMQ administrative interface at: http://localhost:8161/admin
You can access the Cantaloupe admin interface at: http://localhost:8080/cantaloupe/admin
- username: admin
- password: islandora
You can access the IIIF interface at: http://localhost:8080/cantaloupe/iiif/2/
Islandora uses JWT for authentication across the stack. Crayfish microservices, Fedora, and Drupal all use them.
Crayfish and Fedora have been set up to use a default token of islandora
to make testing easier. To use it, just set
the following header in HTTP requests:
Authorization: Bearer islandora
You can access the FITS Web Service at http://localhost:8080/fits/
YUDL_BUILD_BASE=true; vagrant up # Create a yudl base box off an Ubuntu base box.
vagrant package --output # Shut down the base box VM and export it.
The base box can be versioned and released via HashiCorp.