ROS message definitions for object detection in image
- stamp, names, probabilities, and contours of detected objects
- contour points of a detected object
- an image coordinate
- subscribe an image topic and publish user-specified objects synchronized to the image
- subscribe another object topic, merge it with user-specified objects and publish
image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
- an image topic to be synchronized
- set ~subscribe_image true to subscribe
objects_in (object_detection_msgs/Objects)
- an object topic to be merged and synchronized
- set ~subscribe_objects true to subscribe
objects_out (object_detection_msgs/Objects)
- synchronized to an image or objects subscribed
get_objects (object_detection_msgs/GetObjects)
- get user-specified objects
set_objects (object_detection_msgs/SetObjects)
- set user-specified objects
~subscribe_image (bool, default: false)
- Either this or ~subscribe_objects must be true to let this nodelet work
~subscribe_objects (bool, default: false)
- Either this or ~subscribe_image must be true to let this nodelet work
~names (string[], default: <empty array>)
- names of published objects
~probabilities (double[], default: <empty array>)
- probabilities of published objects
~contours (int[][][2], default: <empty array>)
- contours of published objects
~image_transport (string, default: "raw")
- transport type for the subscribed image topic
- subscribe an object topic and suppress overlapped objects with lower probabilities
objects_in (object_detection_msgs/Objects)
objects_out (object_detection_msgs/Objects)
~score_threshold (double, default: 0.4)
~nms_threshold (double, default: 0.5)
~eta (double, default: 1.0)
~top_k (int, default: 0)
- parameters for non maximum suppression (NMS) algorithm
- see documentation of cv::dnn::NMSBoxes()