This repository contains a fork of the open source Mumble project, designed to be used as an integrated part of the Project Reality mod. The integration of Mumble into the game allowed us to replace BF2's VOIP system with positional audio and higher quality codecs.
In addition to providing positional audio this fork also takes care of creating shortcuts for in game communication, such as cross-squad whispers, local speech, commander whisper etc.
The client is meant to be executed soley by the PR Launcher on game launch since it's incapable of connecting to regular mumble servers and PR murmur without being in an active game session.
Get all the prerequires listed here(Make sure you follow up on the "temporarily remove Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 * Redistributable for the installer to work"):
Direct X SDK (June 2010) isn't mentioned there but you need it as well.
Follow the guide at Mumble's wiki to install the dependencies from the mumble-releng repo:
Run everything through the cygwin shell provided at C:\MumbleBuild\win32-static-1.3.x-2017-06-03-f0df4cd-863 and replace the mumble-releng folder in C:\MumbleBuild\win32-static-1.3.x-2017-06-03-f0df4cd-863 with the one in this repo and work from there.
I had to reinstall the prerequisites twice and tweak a couple of mumble-releng scripts to get things to work. Hopefully the fixes will work for you as well but you might need to hack it a bit.
I couldn't get Ice-3.6.3 to fully compile so I downloaded the official version from installed it and copied the missing files from C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroC\Ice-3.6.3* to C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroC\Ice-3.6.3*
Simply run:
apt-get install build-essential pkg-config qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev \
libboost-dev libasound2-dev libssl-dev \
libspeechd-dev libzeroc-ice-dev libpulse-dev \
libcap-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler \
libogg-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libsndfile1-dev \
libg15daemon-client-dev libxi-dev
Once you have all of the dependencies ready enter the mumble repo in this folder using the
windows shell provided at C:\MumbleBuild\win32-static-1.3.x-xxxx-xx-xx-tag-xxx
configure the repo with:
qmake -recursive CONFIG+="release static no-overlay no-bonjour no-update \
no-asio no-g15 tests warnings-as-errors no-elevation no-crash-report" CONFIG-="sse2"
Then you will be able to run:
jom clean
I found this way easier than building on windows since the dependencies just work without any effort.
Add MXE's repository to your system's sources
echo "deb jessie main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mxeapt.list apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys D43A795B73B16ABE9643FE1AFD8FFF16DB45C6AB apt-get update
Install the required packages
apt-get install
mxe-${ARCH}-w64-mingw32.static-libsndfile -
Export environment variable to tell QMake where MXE's protobuf compiler is
export MUMBLE_PROTOC=/usr/lib/mxe/usr/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/protoc
Add MXE's directory to PATH
Run QMake to process the project(s) files
${ARCH}-w64-mingw32.static-qmake-qt5 -recursive CONFIG+="release g15-emulator no-overlay no-bonjour no-elevation no-ice"
Start the build
NOTE: Overlay, Logitech G15 LCD, ZeroC Ice, Bonjour won't work when compiling with linux but we aren't using those atm anyways.
NOTE: If you were building the windows client through linux open a new shell without the MUMBLE_PROTOC export and then run:
qmake -recursive CONFIG+=no-client
Checkout to the master branch and run:
git pull master
Once master's head is synced with upstream - checkout to the PRMumble branch and run git merge with the master branch.
Go over the changes carefully and take a look at the commit history of the PRMumble branch to understand which changes were required for it to work with PR's Launcher and audio dlls.