Python 2 & 3 compatible! Even with :mod:`asyncio` support!
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Create request to create a request to itunes verifying api.
>>> import itunesiap
>>> try:
>>> response = itunesiap.verify(raw_data) # base64-encoded data
>>> except itunesiap.exc.InvalidReceipt as e:
>>> print('invalid receipt')
>>> print response.receipt.last_in_app.product_id # other values are also available as property!
- The common attributes are:
- product_id, original_transaction_id and quantity.
- See the full document in:
- :func:`itunesiap.verify`: The verifying function.
- :class:`itunesiap.receipt.Receipt`: The receipt object.
>>> import itunesiap
>>> response = await itunesiap.aioverify(raw_data) # verify -> aioverify
The other parts are the same.
- See the full document in:
- :func:`itunesiap.aioverify`: The verifying function.
PyPI is the recommended way.
$ pip install itunes-iap
- To browse versions and tarballs, visit:
In review mode, your actual users who use older versions want to verify in production server but the reviewers in Apple office want to verify in sandbox server.
Note: The default env is production mode which doesn't allow any sandbox verifications.
You can change the verifying mode by specifying env.
>>> # review mode
>>> itunesiap.verify(raw_data,
There was breaking changes between v1 and v2 APIs.
- Specify version 0.6.6 for latest v1 API when you don't need new APIs.
- Or use import itunesiap.legacy as itunesiap instead of import itunesiap. (from itunesiap import xxx to from itunesiap.legacy import xxx)