This repo is just me working through the book Fullstack React Native: The complete guide to React Native! using TypeScript.
npm install yarn --global
p14: yarn global add expo-cli@3.11.7
p15: expo init weather --template expo-template-blank-typescript@sdk-36 --yarn
p96: expo init time-tracking --template expo-template-blank-typescript@sdk-36 --yarn
See: Building React Stateless Functional Components with TypeScript
p119: expo install uuid
p164: Default props with class component for TypeScript
p171: expo init image-feed --template expo-template-blank-typescript@sdk-36 --yarn
p196: expo install expo-constants
p274: expo init messaging --template expo-template-blank-typescript@sdk-36 --yarn
p274: expo install expo-constants expo-permissions expo-media-library expo-cameraroll@0.0.1 @react-native-community/netinfo react-native-maps
p292: expo install @react-native-community/netinfo@5.0.0
to fix the
"RNCNetInfo.getCurrentState got 3 arguments, expected 2"
p295: TypeScript equivalent of PropTypes.oneOf(['Foo', 'Bar'])
p305: Nested types such as MapView.Marker
require s special handling,
with import MapView, {Marker} from 'react-native-maps';
to resolve
the error message MapView.Marker does not exist on type 'typeof MapView'
p345: Expo 36.0.0 change log under Breaking Changes says removed CameraRoll from react-native core, developers are encouraged to use expo-media-library instead.
p347: iOS requires asking for Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL.
p400: expo init contact-list --template expo-template-blank-typescript@sdk-36 --yarn
p401: expo install uuid@3.1.0
p412: expo install react-navigation@4.0.10 react-navigation-stack@^1.7.3 react-navigation-tabs@^1.2.0 react-navigation-drawer@^1.4.0 react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated