ChiCMaxima: a pipeline for analyzing and identificantion of chromation loops in CHi-C promoters data.
ChiCMaxima consists of 5 Rscripts: ChiCMaxima_Caller.r, ChiCMaxima_Collate.r, ChiCMaxima_MergeRep2.r,ChiCMaxima_MergeRepMany.r and ChiCMaxima_RepAnalysis.r, in addition to an R Browser (ChiCBrowser.r) to visualise CHi-C promoters data with called peaks.
The current version uses ibed matrices with 11 columns in which the coordinates of both interacting regions plus the number of reads are present.
For example:
ID_Bait | chr_Bait | start_Bait | end_Bait | Bait_name | ID_OE | chr_OE | start_OE | end_OE | OE_name | N |
30 | chr1 | 3090913 | 3092556 | U6.149 | 590 | chr1 | 4592259 | 4592779 | . | 0 |
30 | chr1 | 3090913 | 3092556 | U6.149 | 593 | chr1 | 4595997 | 4596467 | . | 1 |
30 | chr1 | 3090913 | 3092556 | U6.149 | 596 | chr1 | 4605050 | 4610398 | . | 2 |
Scripts (some from CHiCAGO) for generating and reconverting these files…
1/ ChiCMaxima_Caller
Brief: Calls CHi-C interactions from single datasets, based on local maximum computation and approximate prediction of cis-decay.
Usage (from folder containing scripts): Rscript ChiCMaxima_Caller.r -i/--input [INPUT IBED FILE] -o/--output [OUTPUT PREFIX]
-w/--window_size [LOCAL MAXIMUM CALLING WINDOW] -s/--loess_span [LOESS SPAN] -c/--cis_window [GENOMIC SEPARATION THRESHOLD]
--input. 11-column ibed input file (headed or not; see section 2 for format).
--output. Folder and prefix for output files (called interactions, and list of non-assessed baits).
--window_size. Number of covered restriction fragments within which the local maximum is called in sliding windows.
--loess_span. The loess span parameter for smoothing the virtual 4C profile. Default: 0.05
--cis_window. Interactions are assessed within this many bp of the bait start coordinate. Default: 1500000
. output_interactions.ibed. The called interactions, in the same ibed format as the input, with a twelfth column, Enrichment - log2(local maximum score/fitted cis-decay score).
. output_poorlycovered.txt.A list of the baits with sufficient coverage for local maximum assessment. This and their numbers can be used to inform the user of which -w parameter to use.
Rscript ChiCMaxima_Caller.r -i testdata/mESrep1_chr15.ibed -o testdata/mESrep1 -w 20
Returns 2561 interactions, with 33 poorly covered baits.
Rscript ChiCMaxima_Caller.r -i testdata/mESrep2_chr15.ibed -o testdata/mESrep2 -w 20
Returns 1645 interactions, with 65 poorly covered baits.
2/ ChiCMaxima_RepAnalysis
Brief: Computes the distributions of closest distances between called interactions within two outputs of CHiCMaxima_Caller. The goal is to help the user choose an appropriate -d setting for ChiCMaxima_MergeRep2/ChiCMaxima_MergeRepMany (see section 5).
Usage (from folder containing scripts): Rscript ChiCMaxima_RepAnalysis.r -a/--file1 [INTERACTIONS FILE 1] -b/--file2 [INTERACTIONS FILE 2] -o/--output [OUTPUT PREFIX]
--file1, and
--file2. The output interaction files from ChiCMaxima_Caller, in the headed 12-column ibed format.
--output. Folder and prefix for output files (histogram, cumulative frequency plot, quantile table).
. output_hist.png. The histogram for the closest distance distribution.
. output_ecdf.png. The cumulative frequency plot for closest distances.
. output_percentiles.txt. The table giving the genomic distance for every fifth percentile.
Rscript ChiCMaxima_RepAnalysis.r -a testdata/mESrep1_interactions.ibed -b testdata/mESrep2_interactions.ibed -o testdata/mEScombined.
Returns the histogram, cumulative frequency plot and percentiles table (25th percentile is 0; median is 18687 bp; 75th percentile is 79633.5 bp).
3/ ChiCMaxima_MergeRep2
Brief: Filters the called interactions from two biological replicates to only include those within a threshold genomic distance.
Usage (from folder containing scripts): Rscript ChiCMaxima_MergeRep2.r -a/--onepeak [INTERACTIONS FILE 1] -b/--twopeak [INTERACTIONS FILE 2] -d/--repdist [THRESHOLD DISTANCE] -o/--output [OUTPUT IBED FILE]
--onepeak, and
--twopeak. The output interaction files from ChiCMaxima_Caller, in the headed 12-column ibed format.
--repdist. The maximum genomic distance between the closest interactions within the two replicates for the interaction to be
maintained. Default: 0
--output. The file name for the output ibed file of the merged, filtered interactions list.
The merged ibed file (see above for column headings).
Rscript ChiCMaxima_MergeRep2.r -a testdata/mESrep1_interactions.ibed -b testdata/mESrep2_interactions.ibed -d 20000 -o testdata/mEScombined_interactions.ibed
Returns 803 merged interactions.
4/ ChiCMaxima_MergeRepMany
Brief: Filters the called interactions from three or more biological replicates to only include those within a threshold distance.
Arguments (note that these do not come with a “-“ or “--“ prefix):
THRESHOLD DISTANCE. As --repdist in ChiCMaxima_MergeRep2. There is no default setting, since all arguments must be entered.
OUTPUT IBED FILE. As --output in ChiCMaxima_MergeRep2.
INTERACTIONS FILES. A list of three or more interaction ibed files for merging.
The merged ibed file (see above for column headings).
Rscript ChiCMaxima_MergeRepMany.r 20000 testdata/3combinedinteractions.ibed testdata/mESrep1_interactions.ibed testdata/mESrep2_interactions.ibed testdata/otherinteractions_chr15.ibed
Returns 643 merged interactions.
5/ ChiCMaxima_Collate
Brief: Reads in the input ibed files from different CHi-C experiments and collates them into one large ibed file with separate N columns for each dataset, suitable as input for ChiCBrowser.
Usage (from folder containing scripts): Rscript ChiCMaxima_Collate.r -k/--key [COLLATE KEY] -o/--output [OUTPUT IBED FILE]
--key. File name of a user-provided table which gives the names of all the input ibed files to be collated, along with their unique
identifiers for the experiment-specific N column. As shown in testdata/collate_key.txt, this is a non-headed 2-column table: IBED FILE,
--output. File name for the output collated ibed file.
Headed columns: ID_Bait, chr_Bait, start_Bait, end_Bait, Bait_name, ID_OE, chr_OE, start_OE, end_OE, OE_name, N.[IDENTIFIER 1], N.[IDENTIFIER 2], etc.
Rscript ChiCMaxima_Collate.r -k testdata/collate_key.txt -o testdata/testcollate.ibed
Outputs an ibed file, with N columns N.1 and N.2, identical to that already provided: testdata/mEScollated.ibed
To run the browser, go to the folder containing the scripts and run the R environment. Then use the command: source(“ChiCBrowser.r”). See AdditionalFile 2 for more explanation
R version >= 3.2
Bioconductor packages: GenomicRanges, limma, MASS, caTools, data.table, zoo, rtracklayer, psych, tcltk2, tkrplot
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