Symfony 2 Bundle for Braintree's PHP client library
Just add to your composer.json file:
"require": {
"cometcult/braintree-bundle": "dev-master"
Add the bundle to your application's kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new CometCult\BraintreeBundle\CometCultBraintreeBundle(),
// ...
# app/config/config.yml
# ...
environment: sandbox
merchant_id: your_merchant_id
public_key: your_public_key
private_key: your_private_key
For more info about the configuration variables see Braintree docs
Braintree php client library comes with a bunch of services for the Braintree API. They are usually prefixed by Braintree_
To see all available Braintree services head over to braintree_php or the official documentation.
One of the methods for getting a desired service is to call the get
method from the BraintreeFactory
// in your controller
$factory = $this->get('comet_cult_braintree.factory');
$customerService = $factory->get('customer');
Instead of calling the factory you can define a custom service in your own bundle:
# ../services.yml
class: Braintree_Customer
factory_service: comet_cult_braintree.factory
factory_method: get
arguments: ["customer"]
Then in your controller you can go with:
$customerService = $this->get('customer_custom_service');