Since Symfony 2.2 Console component implement his own progress status:
Progressr is an helper to see evolution in commands that used Symfony2 Console component. You can display evolution information or a progress bar
The best way to install progressr is to use composer.
Once installed you have an Helper and an Iterator, you can choose how you want to use progressr. You can display informations manually:
use Progressr\Console\Helper\Progress;
class FooCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$progress = new Progress($output, 10);
foreach (range(1, 10) as $value) {
// Will display "Current status: x/100 x%"
If your command is in multiple step you can manually set the current position.
$progress = new Progress($output, 4);
$progress->setCurrent(1)->display('Step1:'); // Display "Step1: 1/4 25%"
$progress->setCurrent(2)->display('Step2:'); // Display "Step2: 2/4 50%"
$progress->setCurrent(3)->display('Step3:'); // Display "Step3: 3/4 75%"
$progress->setCurrent(4)->display('Final step:'); // Display "Final step: 4/4 100%" and add new line
You can also display a progress bar.
$progress = new Progress($output, 4, Progress::FLAG_BAR);
$progress->setCurrent(1)->display(); // Display "[===== ] 1/4 25%"
You can also display a timer.
$progress = new Progress($output, 4, Progress::FLAG_TIMER);
$progress->setCurrent(1)->display(); // Display "15min 25sec"
Of course you can mix all together like this:
$progress = new Progress($output, 4, Progress::FLAG_TIMER | Progress::FLAG_BAR | Progress::FLAG_INFO);
$progress->setCurrent(1)->display('my message:'); // Display "my message: [===== ] 15min 25sec 1/4 25%"
You can't redefine display order message always first, then progress bar, time elapsed and info. All of this are only informative stuff, I consider that one does not care for display order.
Progressr can be used with an iterator that will display informations automatically.
$array = range(1, 100);
$iterator = new ProgressIterator($output, $array, Progress::FLAG_BAR | Progress::FLAG_INFO, 'my message:');
foreach ($iterator as $value) {
// Do stuff
// Progressr: Automatic display