This repo contains PyTorch deep learning models for personlized classification on three document-level sentiment tasks.
Downloading datasets
All three datasets, imdb, yelp_2013, and yelp_2014, are followed by Tang. 2015 and available at here.
Unzip for getting datasets listed as the following folders:
|-- corpus # 数据集 |-- imdb |-- ... |-- yelp_13 |-- ... |-- yelp_14 |-- ...
Running MA-BERT
# run: train, val, test # dataset: imdb, yelp_13, yelp_14 # mode: default: maa (multi-attibute-attention) # gpu: 0,1 (a list of gpu ids) # running code of an instance for IMDB datasets python --run train --dataset imdb --mode maa --gpu 0,1 --version fine-tune
All Hyper-Parameters are set in cfgs/