Open COBOL ESQL 4j (OCESQL 4j) consits of open-source Embedded SQL pre-compiler and run time libraries for opensource COBOL 4j.
Open-source database. OCESQL 4j currently supports PostgreSQL database only.
opensource COBOL 4j v1.0.2 or later.
Run the following commands.
make install
Download the PostgreSQL JDBC driver and add the path to $CLASSPATH.
Download the runtime library ocesql4j.jar in Release page and add the path to $CLASSPATH.
- Put the libcobj.jar (runtime library of opensource COBOL 4j) into dblibj/lib/.
- Move to dblibj directory and launch sbt.
- Run assembly command to create dblibj/target/scala-2.13/ocesql4j.jar.
Usage manuals is under construction. See test cases or sample programs.
- Implement Prepared Statement.
- Support other COBOL data types (COMP5, Japanese, ... etc).
- Add test cases.
- tests for SQL CA(communication area).
- tests for SQL data types.
- Set up test environments using Github Actions.
- Create docker images.