Criptic is a Web3 NFT Crypto Dashboard Template built with React, NextJS, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.
You can find different topics in the table of contents. On desktop, you should see it in the left sidebar. On mobile, you should see it after pressing an icon with Hamberger in the top right corner.
Compatible Browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge)
Node.js 16.15.1 or later
MacOS, Windows (including WSL), and Linux are supported
- node(16.15.1 or later)
- yarn
- editor: VS code (recommended)
For getting started with the template you have to follow the below procedure: Open project directory and run below command.
yarn install
yarn dev
This will start the server at http://localhost:3000. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
You can run below commands in the root folder for your need.
"clean": "rimraf \"{node_modules,.next,out.cache}\"",
"dev": "next dev",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start",
"lint": "next lint",
"prepare": "husky install"
To customize tailwind configuration go to ->
file. -
: To change your app favicon images here. -
: We managed our css & images in this directory. -
: This folder contains all the app related components. -
: We managed all of our side Drawer's view, context api & drawer UI in this folder. -
: We managed all of our modal's view, context api & modal UI in this folder. -
: Our app's custom svg icons components directory, if you need any then add your custom svg icon components here. -
: This folder contains common reusable ui components. -
: This folder contains all necessary configuration related for this app. -
: It's contain all of our app's static data. -
: It's contain all layouts and layout's related components like header, sidebar, container and etc. -
: This folder contains constants, hooks, framer motion & general utils functions. -
: All the pages created inside app directory page.tsx files which is used by nextjs app routing mechanism. -
: Reusable function & component's types are located in this folder.
To add a custom icon please follow this procedure.
Open your custom SVG icon file in the code editor and copy all the code.
Then go to
src -> components -> icons
folder and create a new .tsx file. -
Then here create a function component and paste your copied SVG code inside the return statement.
Then covert all the SVG's kebab-cases properties into camelCase format except the data- name property. For ex. change the stroke-width and fill-color into strokeWidth and fillColor. (for reffernce you can see one of our icon. )
If your custom SVG code has any single custom color then change them into fillColor.
Out template is built React and NextJS framework. So all the existing pages are available to this
location. You can create new pages from:
You can use the NextJS app routing feature for the new pages. Check these official NextJS docs for pages and routing,
In this template, We have used some custom helper functions which is located in
You can use or customize these helper functions according to your needs.
Check out Next.js deployment documentation for more details. deploy
You can check next js metadata api for SEO
We have not used any analytics integration in this template yet. But, you can easily integrate any
analytics using Next JS examples.
There are some basic requirements for our application so that support team can help you quick such as,
Asking queries regarding feature that is already implemented in the application
Following recommended configuration, environments & server which you need to met first before you proceed with installation, deployment in your server to receive support.
Support query need to be within Envato item support policy. ( tem_support_policy)
You should maintain only one support ticket at a time. Creating multiple ticket can cause unexpected delays.
Ticket should provide as much details as possible related to the issue such as screenshot, video explanation, access, how to reproduce, environments, if any changes or customizations are made etc During working days our ticket response can take 24 hours to 48 hours depending on the
volume of tickets pending prior to your ticket . We follow Envato Item support policy https:// to provide standard support for our items