This is an implementation of twisted ElGamal. Twisted ElGamal PKE resembles standard exponent-version ElGamal PKE (also known as lifted ElGamal), but with a simple twist, i.e., switching the roles between key encapsulation and DEM key. The insight is that
Twisted ElGamal PKE is as secure and efficient as standard ElGamal. Moreover, it is zero-knowledge proofs friendly, particularly, the state-of-the-art Bulletproofs. We summarize the features of twisted ElGamal as below:
- additively homomorphic over
$\mathbb{Z}_p$ - IND-CPA secure based on the DDH assumption
- zero-knowledge proofs friendly
- fast decryption: for 32-bit message space, decryption is less than 1ms with a 264 MB hash table
This makes twisted ElGamal extremely useful in numerous privacy-preserving setting. See the document in doc for more details.
By the way, we also implement standard exponent ElGamal PKE for reference.
- OS: MAC OS x64, Linux x64
- Language: C++
- Requires: OpenSSL
CmakeLists.txt: cmake file
/build: (after compile and execute)
- test_twisted_elgamal/test_elgamal: the resulting executable file
- point2index.table: the hashmap used for DLOG algorithm (if this file does not exist, the program will generate one)
/global: global.hpp --- define global variables
/depend: dependent files
- routines.hpp: related routine algorithms, such as serialization functions
- hash.hpp: implement an EC point to EC point hash function
- print.hpp: print info for debug
/src: source files
- twisted_elgamal_pke.hpp: implement twisted ElGamal PKE, depending on calculate_dlog.hpp and routines.hpp
- elgamal_pke.hpp: implement ElGamal PKE, depending on calculate_dlog.hpp and routines.hpp
- calculate_dlog.hpp: implement Shanks DLOG algorithm
/test: test files
- test_elgamal.cpp: main program - test ElGamal PKE, include correctness and benchmark tests (both single thread and multi-thread)
/doc: technical report of twisted ElGamal
download, then
$ mkdir openssl
$ mv /openssl
$ unzip
$ cd openssl-master
$ ./config shared
$ ./make
$ ./make test
$ ./make install
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./test_twisted_elgamal && ./test_elgamal
elliptic curve choice
- The default elliptic curve is "NID_X9_62_prime256v1". You can choose your favorite EC curve by specifying the curve_id (twisted_elgamal.hpp: line 158).
message space choice
- The default message space is [0, 2^32). You can modify the message space by changing the variable MSG_LEN in public parameter.
preprocessing choice
- The default size of hashmap used for Shanks DLOG algorithm is roughly 264MB. One could change its size by changing the variable MAP_TUNNING in public parameters.
thread choice
- The default thread number for parallel decryption is 4. You can adjust it to match the number of cores of your CPU. One could change its by changing the variable DEC_THREAD_NUM in public parameters.
- global_initialize(int curve_id): initialize the OpenSSL environment
- global_finalize(): finalize the OpenSSL environment
- Twisted_ElGamal_Setup(pp, MSG_LEN, MAP_TUNNING, DEC_THREAD_NUM): generate system-wide public parameters of twisted ElGamal
- Twisted_ElGamal_Initialize(pp): generate hash map for fast decryption
- Twisted_ElGamal_KeyGen(pp, keypair): generate a keypair
- Twisted_ElGamal_Enc(pp, pk, m, CT): encrypt message
- Twisted_ElGamal_Dec(pp, sk, CT, m): decrypt ciphertext
- Twisted_ElGamal_ReRand(pp, pk, sk, CT, CT_new, r): re-randomize ciphertext with given randomness
- Twisted_ElGamal_HomoAdd(CT_result, CT1, CT2): homomorphic addition
- Twisted_ElGamal_HomoSub(CT_result, CT1, CT2): homomorphic subtraction
- Twisted_ElGamal_ScalarMul(CT_result, CT, k): scalar multiplication
We also provide parallel implementations, whose Enc, Dec, Scalar performances are better than those in single thread.
test_twisted_elgamal(): basic correctness test
- random encryption and decryption test
- boundary encryption and decryption tests
benchmark_twisted_elgamal(): collect the benchmark in single thread
- setup
- key generation
- encryption
- re-randomization
- decryption
- homomorphic addition
- homomorphic subtract
- scalar multiplication
benchmark_parallel_twisted_elgamal(): collect the benchmark in 2 thread
- setup
- key generation
- encryption
- re-randomization
- decryption (4 thread)
- homomorphic addition
- homomorphic subtract
- scalar multiplication
This library is obsoleted due to the inefficiency of MIRACL and complicated interfaces of OpenSSL. We refer to for a neat and efficient implementation.
This library is licensed under the MIT License.