ETERNITY is a scientific calculator that can compute algebraic and statistical functions. It is part of a scientific software engineering project of COMP354 at Concordia University.
- sin(), cos(), arccos(), arcsin()
- sinh()
- a^x
- log()
- sqrt()
- pi, e
- Mean Absolute Deviation
- Standard Deviation
- Kevin Ve
- Athigan Sinnathurai
- Manpreet Tahim
- Tuan Lam Tran
- Vu Dang Khoa Trinh
- TengQi Song
- Public library for parser:
- In the command line, navigate to folder:
COMP_354_project_Team_M /Application/COMP_354_project_Team_M_jar
- Once you are in the folder, type in the command line:
java -jar COMP_354_project_Team_M.jar
- Open package COMP_354_project_Team_M using your preferred IDE
- Run class located in
From the Main Menu, type the option number you want and hit enter:
- 1 for Algebra calculator
- 2 for Finance calculator (Mean Absolute Deviation and Standard Deviation)
- 3 for Settings
- q to exit the program
Algebra Calculator allows you to calculate algebraic equations.
- From the Algebra Calculator Menu, type the equation you want to evaluate and hit enter
- Some examples of equations:
2^(5+5) + e
arccos(0.5) + 2^6
log(2,8) + 3.4 + log(100)
- log(2,8) for log base 2 of 8
- log(100) for log base 10 of 100
Notes: Please make sure to put the variables inside brackets for these functions:
- sin(), cos(), arcsin(), arccos(), sinh(), log(), sqrt()
Finance Calculator includes two statistical functions: Mean Absolute Deviation and Standard Deviation.
- From the Finance Calculator menu, type the option number you want and hit enter:
- 1 for Mean Absolute Deviation
- 2 for Standard Deviation
- To use the Mean Absolute Deviation or Standard Deviation calculators, enter the series of variables separated by a space, and hit enter
- Some examples:
1 2 3.4 5 44
100 200 300 10 12
1.1 2.22 3.333
Settings option allows you to change the decimal places of ETERNITY or switch ETERNITY between Degree and Radian mode
- From the Settings menu, type the option number you want and hit enter:
- 1 for Decimals
- 2 for Degree/Radian
At any point during the program, you can use the following options:
- m to go back to previous menu
- h to see history
- c to clear history
- q to quit the program