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10-digit Calculator


The idea is to make a basic calculator. LIVE LINK:



Click the buttons on the screen or press number keys on the keyboard.

  • Responsive design (except for Galaxy Fold)
  • Can handle up to 10 digits.
  • Display the current value and the previous entry.
  • Perform basic mathematical operations when clicked (+ - x ÷).
  • AC clears the current value and changes display input to 0.
  • ± changes the sign of the current displayed value (positive <-> negative).
  • Backspace (pink arrow) deletes the rightmost digit displayed on the display.

Additional Features

keyboard input

You can press number keys to perfom calculations.

Use corresponding keybouard keys for ÷ × - +.

Special keys are as follows;

  • AC/CE => Delete key
  • ± => Insert key
  • Backspace => Backspace key

Display the previous entry:

Shows the equation, and current input

CE option:

  • Clicking on any number key (incl. decimal key) changes AC to CE.
  • CE clears the current entry.
  • Clicking on any operation key changes CE back to AC.

Operator followed by = :

If you hit a number, followed by an operator, followed by an equals, the calculator will give the result such that: e.g.

2 + = —> 2 + 2 = 4

2 - = —> 2 - 2 = 0

2 × = —> 2 × 2 = 4

2 ÷ = —> 2 ÷ 2 = 1

Excution followed by another excution :

If you hit the equals key after a calculation is completed, the last performed operation will occur again based on the current calculated value.


keys 10–2

equal. Calculated value is 10 - 2 = 8

equal. Calculated value is 8 - 2 = 6

equal. Calculated value is 6 - 2 = 4

equal. Calculated value is 4 - 2 = 2

equal. Calculated value is 2 - 2 = 0

Edge cases

0 typos will automatically convert into a float number,

e.g. 0012345 => 12345

00.1245 => 0.12345

.123 => 0.123

-.12 =>-0.123

Operator key:

If you hit any operator key one after the other, the last operator key will be applied for the calculation.

e.g. if you hit 5 + - ÷ × then the last operation will be applied to the calculation, i.e., 5 x

Running The Project locally

  1. Clone this project locally
  2. Run npm install in your bash/command line
  3. Run npm start in your bash/command line

jest testing

  • Run npm test in your bash/command line

Live version

10 Digit Calculator

Dev Dependencies

Add-on packages include:

  • Jest
  • Babel
  • Parcel Bundler

Color inspiration from Color Hunt

Background pattern from Transparent Textures

Fonts from Google Fonts

Icons from Font Awesome


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