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Currency Rates

Currency Rates is a test web application with import from XML source. This app is based on PHP framework "Laravel" version 8.x with using JS framework "Vue.js" to render front-office part.

Currency Rates Front-Office


  • Copy files on your server,
  • Create database,
  • Create a config file .env from .env.example and set database:
  • Go to root directory of this downloaded site,
  • Run npm install (If command npm is not found please read,
  • Run composer install (If command npm is not found please read,
  • Run php artisan key:generate to generate APP_KEY in the config file,
  • Run php artisan config:cache to clear cache in order to apply changes in the config file,
  • Run php artisan migrate in order to create tables in your database,
  • Setup your http server to the folder /public manually or run php artisan serve to start it on address http://localhost:8000/.


Please create a user by console command in order to log in to front-office part: Currency Rates Front-Office

Sample Data

You can clear and fill your data base with sample data by run a console command php artisan migrate:fresh --seed from your project root.

Console Commands

  • Import currencies with rates from XML: php artisan currency:import - a required argument is URL or path to XML file, read more by param --help, examples:
    • php artisan currency:import resources/test/XML_daily.xml
    • php artisan currency:import
    • php artisan currency:import
  • Create new user: php artisan user:create - a required argument is username, read more by param --help, examples:
    • php artisan user:create admin - Create user admin with autogenerated password and email
    • php artisan user:create admin -p pass - Create user admin with password pass and with autogenerated email
    • php artisan user:create admin -e admin@email.loc - Create user admin with pass same as username and with provided email

API endpoints

You can use postman_collection.json and [postman_environment.json](docs/postman/Currency Rates.postman_environment.json) for quick review all implemented endpoints.

  • POST:/token, params: email, password // Generate new token for the user

The following endpoints require token authorization:

  • DELETE:/token // Clean up token from DB of the user
  • GET:/currency, params: page, page_size, date_from, date_to // Get currencies with related rates filtered by dates
  • GET:/currency/{id} // Get currency by ID
  • DELETE:/currency/{id} // Delete currency by ID
  • GET:/currency/{currencyId}/rate, params: page, page_size, date_from, date_to // Get rates with pagination filtered by dates
  • GET:/currency/{currencyId}/rate/{rateId} // Get rate by ID
  • DELETE:/currency/{currencyId}/rate/{rateId} // Delete rate by ID


Before run tests please create new from .env.testing from .env.sample and use separately created database in order to set it in the config DB_DATABASE there. Run command php artisan test.

Currency Rates Front-Office

Author: Yuriy Bakhtin


Laravel + Vue test app






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