Choose exercises for current workout
During the training process, you need to work equally on a fairly large list of exercises. Naturally, every day you devote time not to all these exercises, but only to a small subset. This small program will help you choose the exercises for your current workout, based on previous exercises, thus evenly distributing strength between all exercises in a long-term perspective.
At this moment, program will create empty file for exercises list
$ python -m ka40k
# Output:
# File 'exercises' not found, so it has been created for you. Please put list of exercises into it:
# c:\Users\Jury\work\ka4ok\exercises
First, you have to put list of exercises in a text file exercises
in the same directory as the program.
You can use example
file as a guide
$ python -m ka40k 3
# Here you see list of exercises