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Mailosaur Helper for CodeceptJS

Mailosaur Helper for Codeceptjs is useful for email based testing with Codeceptjs

It gives users the ability to perform the following operation:

  1. Create new email address
  2. List emails
  3. List Content of Emails, including Subject (allows searching for texts, links etc)
  4. Allows to delete test emails.


npm i codeceptjs-mailosaurhelper --save


This plugin should be added in codecept.conf.js


   plugins: {
    Mailosaur: {
          require: 'codeceptjs-mailosaurhelper',
          apiKey: MAILOSAUR_API_KEY,
          serverId: MAILOSAUR_SERVER_ID,
          timeout: 15000,

To use this plugin you need to provide the following info:

  • apiKey: which can be found in API tab on a server page in Mailosaur UI.
  • serverId: Mailosaur Server ID to use for tests
  • timeout(optional): timeout in milliseconds to wait for emails. Default value is 10000ms

Usage Example

After enabling the helper at Configuration, simply use it with Actor Object in your test files
