this code is used to construct a 2T-PoT-MIDAS-Copula model to predict volatility marginally and VaR in joint
Zhenyu Yang, School of Statistics and Mathematics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China
We proposes a dynamic two-tailed peak over threshold (2T-PoT) model based on the dynamic bivariate peak over threshold model. The proposed model has a double-tailed distribution with Pareto behavior. We combine the extended model with the GARCH-MIDAS model for out-of-sample volatility forecasting. The empirical results show that the extended model has better volatility forecasting ability than the original dynamic PoT model. Further, we define a 2PoT-GAS-Copula model similar to PoT-GAS-Copula, and the performance of the former in predicting VaR is consistent with the latter, illustrating the reliability of the new model.
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