This is My CMake Project Template for multiple-directory.
It aims to build targets in sub-directory easier than before
I used to be modifying CMakeLists.txt everytime when i add new sub directory.
And now,i just need to add CMakeLists.txt in sub-directory without changing main-CMakeLists.txt
The cmake/aux_cpp.cmake is not needed.
it is only a demo for cmake module file.
it can generate target name from the prefix of source code.
./demo3/demo3.cpp (source code) ------> demo3 (target )
Make sure that the source code file have diffrent prefix name if you use aux_cpp.cmake
|__CMakeLists.txt (main-CMakeLists.txt)
|__cmake (cmake module dir)
|__bin (output binary here)
|__build (cmake build path )
|__ch3 (sub-dir)
|__CMakeLists.txt (sub-CMakeLists.txt)
|__ch4 (sub-dir)
|__CMakeLists.txt (sub-CMakeLists.txt)
|__ch5 (sub-dir)
|__CMakeLists.txt (sub-CMakeLists.txt)
|__ch13 (sub-dir)
|__CMakeLists.txt (sub-CMakeLists.txt)
|__ch13 .cpp
|__demo3 (sub-dir)
|__CMakeLists.txt (sub-CMakeLists.txt)