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This project is inspired by @y22ma. The purpose of this project is to demenstrate how to train a YOLO model using your own data, and how to evaluate your YOLO model.

Development Environment

  • Tensorflow 1.14
  • Python 3.5

Quick guide for training(YOLO v2)

  • Download Udacity dataset and csv here. Put both in udacity folder.
  • Download tiny-yolo-voc.weights file here. Put it in bin folder.
  • Change the csv file's location to your own in the following file:
# utils/ line 29
csv_fname = os.path.join('/home/notus/Github/yyuuliang/darkflow/udacity/udacity-t.csv')
  • Change the TensorBoard log dir
# net/ line 99
sumpath = '/home/notus/Github/yyuuliang/darkflow/tensorboardlogs/'
  • Start the training:
# annotation is not used since we hardcode the csv file path.
 python flow --train --model cfg/tiny-yolo-udacity.cfg --load bin/tiny-yolo-voc.weights  --annotation udacity  --dataset udacity/object-dataset/
  • Recover from previous training checkpoint
python flow --train --model cfg/tiny-yolo-udacity.cfg --load -1  --annotation udacity  --dataset udacity/object-dataset/ 

Quick guide for using detector(YOLO v2)

  • Run the detector
# "img_folder" is the path of images folder
# --load -1 will use the lastest checkpoint weights
python flow  --test img_folder/ --model cfg/tiny-yolo-udacity.cfg --load -1 --threshold 0.4 --gpu 0.7

Quick guide for performance evaluation(YOLO v2)

  • Tensorboard support
    Tensorboard support is hardcoded and enabled by default. To start tensorboard, run the following cmd.
# change the logdir to yours.
tensorboard --logdir=tensorboardlogs/train

img If TensorBoard doesn't show any data chart. Change your directory to where your event files are located in the terminal window.

# change the current dir to the main log folder
cd Github/yyuuliang/darkflow/tensorboardlogs/
# run inspect to check the log file
tensorboard --logdir="train" --inspect
# start the TensorBoard
tensorboard --logdir="train"
  • Run the detctor with validation csv file. This is used to calculate the performance output.
# utils/ line 30
if test:
    csv_fname = os.path.join('/home/notus/Github/yyuuliang/darkflow/udacity/udacity-t.csv')
  • Run the detector with performance output
    Use --loglevel to output log info. There are three level of log output. Enable log function will increase the run time.
    1: output mAP at the end of the whole test
    2: output AP at the end of each batch
    3: output Darknet YOLOV2 style log for each image. It contains: Proposal, Correct, Total, IOU, Recall, Precision
 python flow --test sample_img/ --model cfg/tiny-yolo-udacity.cfg --load -1 --threshold 0.4 --gpu 0.7 --loglevel 3


  • How I calculae the mAP
    (I know there are many confision when calculating mAP. Please help me check this method, thanks)
    If you use level 3 log output, you will find the Recall and Precision data for every picture. to calculate the mAP. I do the following steps:
    1 Retrive all Recall and Precision value for one batch and save them in an 2D array
    2 Rearrange these data according to Recall value. After that, we kind of have a plotting with Recall as "X" and Precision as "Y"
    3 Calculate the Average Precision(AP) using Approximated Average Precision method. Find more info here
    4 Save all AP for all batch
    5 Calculate the mAP using the equation
# mAP is AP/Q
# Q is the number of query, if we do "test" once, Q = 1, if we do "test" twice, Q = 2
# Here, Q = total images / batch size
if self.FLAGS.loglevel > 0:
    print('mAP:{0} at threshold: 0.5'.format(np.true_divide(TAP,Q))
  • Save box info into json file
    Use --logjson to save each image's box info into json file.
    1: save json.
    0: not save.
 python flow --test sample_img/ --model cfg/tiny-yolo-udacity.cfg --load -1 --threshold 0.4 --gpu 0.7 --logjson 1
  • Save the ground truth image along with the result image use --loggt to save ground truth image. Boxes drown on the gt image are according to the csv file.
    1: save ground truth file.
    0: not save.
 python flow --test sample_img/ --model cfg/tiny-yolo-udacity.cfg --load -1 --threshold 0.4 --gpu 0.7 --loggt 1


Generate anchor boxes for Udacity dataset

  • Anchor boxes generation script This script is used to generate anchor boxes based on Udacity's dataset.
    The script is originaled created by Check his page for virsualization tool
    I added some comments and changed the code so that it can works on Udacity's csv file.Will add more info once I have time.
    -filelist the csv file used in trainging
    -output_dir the output folder to store anchor txt
    -num_clusters number of anchor boxes. If leave it blank, the script will generate anchors boxes from 1 to 10.
python -filelist udacity/udacity-t.csv -output_dir generated_anchors -num_clusters 5
  • Udacity dataset anchor boxes data
    Or you can just use those anchor boxes. I ran the K-means algorithms on 12000 Udacity pictures.
    | Anchor Num | Value | E |
    | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
    | 4 | 0.37,0.74, 0.96,1.23, 1.93,2.45, 4.25,5.59 | 0.591195 |
    | 5 | 0.34,0.72, 0.83,1.11, 1.55,1.90, 2.76,3.51, 4.81,6.54 | 0.613072 |
    | 6 | 0.32,0.65, 0.44,1.53, 0.83,0.91, 1.45,1.78, 2.62,3.28, 4.67,6.32 | 0.644016 |
    | 7 | 0.29,0.65, 0.44,1.52, 0.71,0.81, 1.26,1.36, 1.77,2.59, 3.24,3.59, 4.84,6.73 | 0.664370 |
  • Anchor box result:
    Left is anchors generated from Udacity dataset. Right is the original YOLOv2 anchors.
    img img
  • Use anchor boxes
    Replace the cfg's anchor data with your own's
anchors = 0.34,0.72, 0.83,1.11, 1.55,1.90, 2.76,3.51, 4.81,6.54


  • If you changed config file after a training and want to use the new config setting, delele the history in the following file
  • You can change the training params in ./flow

Code Walkthrough

  • utils.udacity_voc_csv.udacity_voc_csv(), this method collect data from csv file and store the ground trutin in dumps
  • utils.helper.load_from_ckpt(), this method load weights from the latest training check point


The work is originally done by @y22ma.


Darkflow YOLO project in practice.







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