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Proxy Protocol

Yaroslav Pogrebnyak edited this page Sep 28, 2017 · 1 revision

(since 0.5.0)

The PROXY Protocol provides a convenient way to safely transport connection information such as a client's address across multiple layers of TCP proxies. It's originally created in HAProxy. For more details, see

For now gobetween supports only PROXY protocol v1 with text-based format.

To instruct gobetween sending PROXY protocol header to backends, you should enable it:

  protocol = "tcp"
  bind = ""

  [servers.default.proxy_protocol]  # (optional)
  version = "1"                     # (required) proxy protocol version. only "1" for now.

  kind = "static"
  static_list = [

Caution: Make sure your backends servers supports PROXY protocol before enabling it.