This repository contains our implementation of the paper, "An Empirical Study on Channel Effects for Synthetic Voice Spoofing Countermeasure Systems". [Paper link] [arXiv] [Video presentation]
Existing datasets: ASVspoof2019LA, ASVspoof2015, VCC2020 training data, VCC2020 submissions
Augmented data:
Training + Development: ASVspoof2019LA-Sim v1.0
Evaluation: ASVspoof2019LA-Sim v1.1
python3 -o /path/to/output/the/model
The options:
--AUG use the plain augmentation
--MT_AUG use the multitask augmentation
--ADV_AUG use the adversarial augmentation
python3 -m /path/to/the/trained/model --task ASVsppof2019LA
The options for testing on different dataset:
ASVspoof2019LA, ASVspoof2015, VCC2020, ASVspoof2019LASim
The code is based on our previous work "One-class Learning Towards Synthetic Voice Spoofing Detection" [code link] [paper link]
author={You Zhang and Ge Zhu and Fei Jiang and Zhiyao Duan},
title={{An Empirical Study on Channel Effects for Synthetic Voice Spoofing Countermeasure Systems}},
booktitle={Proc. Interspeech 2021},
Please also feel free to check out our follow-up work:
[1] Chen, X., Zhang, Y., Zhu, G., Duan, Z. (2021) UR Channel-Robust Synthetic Speech Detection System for ASVspoof 2021. Proc. 2021 Edition of the Automatic Speaker Verification and Spoofing Countermeasures Challenge, 75-82, doi: 10.21437/ASVSPOOF.2021-12 [link] [code] [video]