A general purpose, easy to use discord bot. Have an idea for a command? Open an issue!
Command | Description | Slash command | Cog | Working? |
help | Displays the bot's commands | No | None | Yes |
invite | Displays the invite link for the bot | Yes | Functionality | Yes |
logo | Displays MarkBot's logo and ascii art | Yes | Functionality | Yes |
math | Tries to solve a few basic math problems | Yes | Functionality | No |
tinify | Command to shorten a url using tiny url | Yes | Functionality | Yes |
wiki | Searches wikipedia and shows a summary of the search term | Yes | Functionality | Buggy |
stealemoji | Steal an emoji from another server | No | Functionality | Yes |
currency_converter | Converts currency from one unit to another | Yes | Functionality | Yes |
activity | Command to launch activities | Yes | MarkBot-Activity | Yes |
cleanup people | Cleans messages of specific users | Yes | Cleanup | Yes |
cleanup bots | Cleans messages of bots | Yes | Cleanup | Yes |
cleanup commands | Cleans up bot command messages (can provide a prefix) | Yes | Cleanup | Yes |
purge | Mass deletes messages to clean a channel | Yes | Cleanup | Yes |
join | Joins a voice channel | Yes | Music | Yes |
leave | Leaves a voice channel | Yes | Music | Yes |
now | Shows current song playing | Yes | Music | Yes |
pause | Pauses playback of current audio | Yes | Music | Yes |
play | Enqueues the song into the queue | Yes | Music | Yes |
queue | Displays the current song queue | Yes | Music | Yes |
remove | Removes a song from the queue | Yes | Music | Yes |
resume | Resumes paused playback | Yes | Music | Yes |
shuffle | Shuffles the queue | Yes | Music | Yes |
skip | Skips song that is currently playing | Yes | Music | Yes |
stop | Stops playback | Yes | Music | Yes |
summon | Summons the bot to a voice channel | Yes | Music | Yes |
toggleannounce | Stops announcement of new song in channel | Yes | Music | Yes |
changenick | [Hidden] Changes a person's nickname in a server | No | Administration | Yes |
terminate | [Hidden] Kills the bot globally | No | Administration | Yes |
changestatus | [Hidden] Changes the bot's status on discord | No | Administration | Yes |
botstats | [Hidden] Displays the bots status and stats | No | Administration | Yes |
serverstats | [Hidden] Displays the bots server stats | No | Administration | Yes |
create_reaction_role | Sends a new message on a channel with a reaction role | Yes | Reaction Role | Yes |
add_reaction_role | Adds a reaction role to an already existing message | Yes | Reaction Role | Yes |
list_reaction_roles | Displays all working reaction roles | Yes | Reaction Role | Yes |
remove_reaction_role | Removes a reaction role from an already existing message | Yes | Reaction Role | Yes |
clear_reaction_roles | Removes all reaction roles in the server | Yes | Reaction Role | Yes |
V1 has been discarded as it is extremely uncomfortable to work with and develop. V2's structure will be defined here.
- 📂 MarkBot-v2
- 📄 bot.py
- 📂 cogs
- 📄 Activity.py
- 📄 Administration.py
- 📄 Cleanup.py
- 📄 Functionality.py
- 📂 MarkBot-Activity
- 📄 config.json
- 📄 index.js
- 📄 node_modules
- 📄 package-lock.json
- 📄 package.json
- 📄 Music.py
- 📄 Shrug.py
- 📄 ReactionRoles.py
- 📂 MarkBot-v2
- 📄 config.json
- 📄 database
- 📄 readme.md
- 📄 requirements.txt
- 📄 runscript.sh
As is visible, the driver code for the bot exists in bot.py. Each file in the cogs folder contains a command cog. Each of these cogs have a bunch of commands that have the same theme. If a new set of commands were to be developed, they would be made in a new cog.
! Under construction :(
Open an issue! I'll be glad to help out! You can add me on discord as well (Wilford Warfstache#0256)
- Discord is changing continuously. Adapting to these changes is definitely not easy
- As of April of 2022, In-chat commands will no longer work. Only slash commands will work
- Discord.py, the library being used to code this bot has been marked read-only and will not be developed further
- Discord.py has no support for slash commands, and any other library in python that implements slash commands does not have support for voice channels (No music slash commands)
- The new library being used for slash commands, Discord-interactions is a little low on documentation
This project is licensed by MIT License