A mod for the Game Rimworld
This mod allows you to place shield generators. They are expensive and power hungry but can really strengthen your defences. The standard shields will stop projectiles that try to enter it, but allow weapons to be fired out.
There are a number of different statistics that govern how Shield work. Strength: How much Damage a shield can Take Radius: How large the covered area is. BlockIndirect: Can is Block Bullets and other directly fired Projectiles. BlockDirect: Can it block Mortars and other Indirect Fire Weapons. DropPods: Can is target Drop Pods, frying their navigation and causing them to crash.
- Update for Rimworld 1.3
- The Numbering scheme has been changed, mostly to back to what it was, the first two will match the version of Rimworld it was built for, then the next two will be major and minor versions of the mod.
- Support for intercepting DropPods by GHXX
- Fix to save Shield Visual state
- Update to 1.2
- Rework and update to 1.1
- Update to 1.0
- Some UI images from "Operative85" on the ludeon Forums
- Fix for not covering Embrasures
- Update to B19
- Increased Documentation.
- Update to Beta 18
- Shields now Require Components
03.00.01 *Converting WorkToMake to WorkToBuild
03.00.00 *Update to Alpha 16
- Modifying Building_Shield.CurrentStatus, IsActive and CheckPowerOn.
02.00.00 *Update to Alpha 15 *Change to using Comps instead of Custom C# thingDefs, partially due to https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=25249
01.00.01 *Fix for potentially not loading Graphical Resources on loading a saved game.
01.00.00 *Initial Release -A14