Pick a preferred read speed and select a song. You'll get a breakdown of BPM duration:
- NodeJS 8+
- Yarn 1.22.4
- Python 3.6.11
- Using pyenv is probably the easiest way to do this.
Set up a virtual env and install dependencies:
pyenv install (This'll install 3.6.11 if you don't have it already)
pyenv virtualenv truebpm
pyenv activate truebpm
To serve the API + frontend, ./serve.sh
This will serve the API + frontend on
. If you just want to work on the frontend, you may want to use yarn to get the benefits of live reloading:
cd frontend/ && yarn run start
Simfiles live in the simfiles/
directory, and the filenames are formatted as <title> - <artist>
. To add a simfile, just run ./convert.py </path/to/simfile.sm>
and it will rename it for you. Drop it in the simfiles/
directory and submit a PR.
CI will test to make sure that the simfile is valid. If pull request verification fails, check the build logs.