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Kubernetes server installation

Bill Sideris edited this page Jun 14, 2022 · 5 revisions

As Trilium can be run in Docker it also can be deployed in Kubernetes. Trilium can be applied to Kubernetes manually or per helm chart.

The recommended way is helm.

Root privileges

Trilium docker container needs to be run with root privileges. The node process inside the container will be started with reduced privileges (uid:gid 1000:1000) after some initialization logic. Make sure that you don't use a security context which changes the user id. To use a different uid:gid for file storage and the application, please use the USER_UID & USER_GID environment variables.

The docker image will also fix the permissions of /home/node so you don't have to use an init container.

Helm Install

Unofficial helm chart by ohdearaugustin:

Add helm repository

helm repo add <repo_name>
"<repo_name>" has been added to your repositories

How to install a chart

Just helm install <repo_name>/trilium-notes.

For more information on using Helm, refer to the Helm documentation.

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