- Ruthwik Dasyam
- Md Zahiruddin
- Shivam Dhakad
- Abhey Sharma
Download and setup the turtlebot3 ROS humble package from turtlebot documnetation
Copy paste the 'perception' package and 'enpm673_final_proj' package in the src folder along with other turtlebot3 packages
Launch the simulation using the command
ros2 launch enpm673_final_proj enpm673_world.launch.py
We did not use chessboard for horizon line detection and it messes up the path planning a little bit (makes it run slow till it passes chessboard), Use teleop and pass over the chessboard and align properly with the 3rd paper to detect the horizon line
Launch the script using the following command
ros2 run perception percept
To run on hardware change the image topic in '/perception/perception/percept.py' to get feed from camera