This repository contains a code for a yet unpublished manuscript (as of 20.01.2025) entitled: Comparison of Single-cell Long-read and Short-read Transcriptome Sequencing of Patient-derived Organoid Cells of ccRCC: Quality Evaluation of the MAS-ISO-seq Approach.
The bioRxiv version of this article can be found here: and the code under bioRxiv_Scripts refer to this article.
The repository contains the following set of scripts/reports:
Illumina Data preparation: Data has been processed with CellRanger v7.2.
PacBio Data preparation: Iso-seq and Pigeon have been run as part of the SMRTLink v11.1 software available open source: see In order to recover cell barcodes that were not called real cells we used the script: rerun_isoseq_keep_nonreal_cells.R. In order to recover transcripts and reads mapping to mitochondrial reads we reran Pigeon using the * scripts.
Whole data summary computed from mapped data. Cell statistics (mitochondrial content, TSO and UMI counts) computed from PacBio and Illumina bam files: compileMITOstats.R, compileTSOPAInfo.R, compileUMIcounts.R
Cell calling: Empty Droplet analysis is not part of the Iso-seq workflow, we ran BLAZE (see for that: Analysis of cell barcodes called real cells uniquely in PacBio by Iso-seq: 2024-11-05-cells_unique_to_PacBio_anaylsis.Rmd. Analysis of cell barcodes called real cells uniquely in Illumina by CellRanger (low RNA content cells):2024-12-15-lowRNAcontentcells_PacBiovsIllumina.Rmd.
Comparison of a subset of mapped data between Illumina and PacBio: Convert bam files to dataframes summarising the information on common and unique cell barcode- UMI tags: compileMatchedReads.R. Reports/Figures for the data subsampled 3 times (for cell barcodes starting with TG, GC and AA): 2024-12-09-summarise-bam-subset-TG.Rmd, 2024-12-09-summarise-bam-subset-GC.Rmd, 2024-12-09-summarise-bam-subset.Rmd. A table summarising the differences in wet lab and data analysis steps between the two technologies: Methods_Comparison_table.txt.
Comparison of the assembled gene count matrix from Illumina data using CellRanger workflow and from PacBio data using Iso-seq + pigeon workflow: Report/Figures: 2025-01-13-gene-count-matrix-comparison-pacbiounfiltered-Illumina.Rmd.
Comparison of PacBio data filtered and unfiltered of artefactual isoforms as part of the Iso-seq + Pigeon workflow (RT-switching, LCNC, IntraPriming): Report/Figures: 2025-01-19-PacBio-filtering-analysis.Rmd.