Achive - a chive, means a chive in the A-shares.
Achive is a plug-in based on api of Sina that creates a dashboard displaying real-time data of a-share indexs and stocks. Thanks for the super-fast Sina api, achive performs so well to update data automatically.
Download el file to your load-path.
(use-package achive
:load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/achive"
("C-c a a" . achive)
(achive-auto-refresh t)
(achive-refresh-seconds 5)
(achive-stock-list '("sh600036" "sh601012" "sz000625" "sz002050" "sz002013" "sh600176")))
Variable | Default | type | Description |
achive-index-list | ’(“sh000001” “sz399001” “sz399006”) | list | List of composite index. |
achive-stock-list | ’(“sh600036” “sz000625”) | list | List of stocks. |
achive-buffer-name | ”A Chive” | string | Buffer name of achive board. |
achive-search-buffer-name | ”A Chive - results -” | string | Buffer name of achive search board. |
achive-auto-refresh | t | boolean | Whether to refresh automatically. |
achive-refresh-seconds | 5 | integer | Seconds of automatic refresh time. |
achive-cache-path | (concat user-emacs-directory “.achive”) | string | Path of cache. |
achive-colouring | t | boolean | Whether to apply face. If it’s nil will be low-key, you can peek at it at company time. |
Command | Description |
achive | Launch achive and switch to visual buffer. |
achive-refresh | Manual refresh and render. |
achive-search | Search stocks by codes. |
achive-add | Add favorite stocks by codes |
achive-remove | Remove favorite stocks. |
achive-switch-colouring | Manual switch colouring. It’s handy for emergencies. |
bought and forget.