This doesn't work with the current release of Style Elements. It will soon though, it's just waiting for a PR to be merged.
$ npm install --save-dev elm-css-webpack-loader
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.elm$/,
exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],
use: [
test: /Styles\.elm$/,
use: [
loader: 'elm-css-webpack-loader',
options: {
stylesheetModule: "MyStyle",
stylesheetFunction: "stylesheet",
mode: "layout"
module MyStyle exposing (stylesheet)
import Style exposing (..)
stylesheet : StyleSheet styles variation
stylesheet =
[ style None []
import MyStyle exposing (stylesheet)
view : Html Msg
view model =
Element.toHtml stylesheet <|
el None [] (text "Hello Style Elements!")
The following options are all required
These are used to tell the webpack loader which function exposes your stylesheet. In the example above you can see that the stylesheetModule and stylesheetFunction correspond to the Elm code.
or "viewport"
Includes your app's styles
The same as layout, but the height and width of the site is set to the height and width of the screen.
Useful if you're embedding your Elm app into a page which already has it's own styles. The following configuration will prefix all of the style elements selectors with ".my-prefix".
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.elm$/,
exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/, /Styles\.elm$/],
use: [
test: /Styles\.elm$/,
use: [
loader: 'postcss-loader',
options: {
plugins: (loader => [
require('postcss-prefix-selector')({prefix: '.my-prefix'})
loader: 'elm-css-webpack-loader',
options: {
stylesheetModule: "MyStyle",
stylesheetFunction: "stylesheet",
mode: "layout"
Without postcss-prefix-selector
.modal__281674324 {
color: red;
With postcss-prefix-selector
.my-prefix .modal__281674324 {
color: red;