This is a clone from (no longer exists)
LogExpert is a Windows tail program (a GUI replacement for the Unix tail command).
Summary of (most) features:
- Tail mode
- MDI-Interface with Tabs
- Search function (including RegEx)
- Bookmarks
- A very flexible filter view and possibility to filter to tab
- Highlighting lines via search criteria
- Triggers (e.g. create Bookmark or execute a plugin) via search criteria
- Columnizers: Plugins which split log lines into columns
- Unicode support
- log4j XML file support
- 3rd party plugin support
- Plugin API for more log file data sources
- Automatical determine columnizer with given file name and content (Experimental)
- Serilog.Formatting.Compact format support (Experimental)
- Portable (all options / settings saved in application startup directory)
Follow the Link and download the latest package. Just extract it where you want and execute the application or download the Setup and install it
Or Install via chocolatey
choco install logexpert
- .NET 8 ( or
- ASP.NET Core Runtime (, or
This is a continous integration build. So always the latest and greates changes. It should be stable but no promises. Can be viewed as Beta.
- Clone / Fork / Download the source code
- Open the Solution (src/LogExpert.sln) with Visual Studio 2017 (e.g. Community Edition)
- Restore Nuget Packages on Solution
- Build
- The output is under bin/(Debug/Release)/ Requirements
- Chocolatey must be installed
- Optional for Setup Inno Script 5 or 6
- Use Development branch as target
Please checkout the wiki for FAQ / HELP / Informations / Examples
- dont use AutoScaleMode for single GUI controls like Buttons etc.
- dont use AutoScaleDimensions for single GUI controls like Buttons etc.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Made with