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Cloud Run Deployment

Mansar Youness edited this page Apr 18, 2024 · 1 revision

Deploying a NiceGUI App on Cloud Run

This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy a NiceGUI application on Cloud Run

Step 1: Create a NiceGUI App

Create a Python file with the following content:

from random import choice

from nicegui import ui

greetings = [
    "Hi there!",
    "Good morning!",
    "Good afternoon!",
    "Nice to see you!",
    "Lovely day, isn't it?",

ui.button('Greet', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(choice(greetings))), port=8080)

Step 2: Dockerize App

Create a Dockerfile which describes the setup of your app:

FROM zauberzeug/nicegui:1.4.22

COPY /app

CMD ["python", ""]

Step 3: Setup your local environment and GCP project

Install and setup the gcloud CLI and activate all the services related to Cloud Run, Cloud Build and Artifacts Registry in your GCP project.

Step 4: Deploy

Run the following script:

# Fetch the current project ID from gcloud configuration
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

# Define variables

# Construct the container image tag

# Create repository
# If it fails because it already exists, it's fine
gcloud artifacts repositories create $REPO --repository-format=docker \
    --location=$LOCATION --description="Docker repository" \
    --project=$PROJECT_ID || true

# Build image
gcloud builds submit --tag $GAR_TAG

# Deploy Cloud Run service
gcloud run deploy $IMAGE --image=$GAR_TAG --max-instances=1 --min-instances=0 --port=8080 \
    --allow-unauthenticated --region=europe-west1 --memory=1Gi --cpu=1 -q --no-cpu-throttling --session-affinity \
    --concurrency 300 --timeout 1800

You can of course adjust the parameters of the deployment to suit your use case but make sure to keep the following two options:

  • --no-cpu-throttling: This flag is used to disable CPU throttling for Cloud Run services. This helps avoid having the page constantly refresh because the CPU was shut down between requests on the backend.

  • --session-affinity: This flag enables session affinity for incoming requests to the Cloud Run service. Session affinity ensures that requests from the same client are routed to the same instance of the service during the lifetime of the session.

Step 5: Enjoy

Your app is ready to access on, RANDOM will be replaced with a random sub-string.