Tags: zavitax/redis-replica-manager-go
Toggle v1.2.11's commit message
Don't send data to channel while locked
Toggle v1.2.10's commit message
Reduce the chance of a deadlock on close
Toggle v1.2.9's commit message
Resolve data race when sending pubsub update packets down a notificat…
…ion channel
Toggle v1.2.8's commit message
Re-enable housekeeping upon local site manager start
Toggle v1.2.7's commit message
Bugfix: Close() would execute FLUSHDB which would confuse the cluster
Toggle v1.2.6's commit message
Always use redis as source of truth about local slots assignment
Toggle v1.2.5's commit message
Bugfix: race condition which caused to redis state and local state to…
… desync
Toggle v1.2.4's commit message
Bugfix: RequestRemoveSlot did not respect result from LUA script
Toggle v1.2.3's commit message
Bugfix: RequestRemoveSlot did not respect result from LUA script
Toggle v1.2.2's commit message
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