It's just my dotfiles
Currently the main programs I use are:
- WM: bspwm
- Keybindings: sxhkd
- Status Bar: polybar
- Compositor: picom
- Terminal: kitty
- Shell: zsh (no frameworks)
- Text Editor: neovim
- Application Launcher: dmenu, rofi
- Notifications: dunst
- Display Manager:
lightdmGDM - Browser: firefox, brave, chromium
- File Manager: Nautilus (GUI), vifm (TUI)
- PDF Viewer: Zathura, evince
- Music:
MPD + ncmpcppSpotify
Based on Atlassian's guide to storing dotfiles
# install dependencies (assumes arch-based system, for other systems use the relevant package manager)
sudo pacman -S zsh neovim npm git eza unzip
# if only need read-only
git clone --bare $HOME/.cfg
# or if need to push commits as well (me) (requires ssh key configured with github)
git clone --bare $HOME/.cfg
alias dgit="git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME"
dgit checkout
# **remove any conflicting existing files and rerun previous command if necessary**
dgit config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
dgit config --local pull.rebase false
dgit submodule init
dgit submodule update
# skip past the error messages to let neovim auto install vim-plug and plugins
# quit vim and restart vim to install lsp plugins, then quit again
chsh # choose /bin/zsh or wherever zsh is located
# restart shell
Assumes the steps to clone the repo as above have been followed
# basic
sudo pacman -S bspwm sxhkd polybar dmenu rofi conky dunst picom feh xss-lock ttc-iosevka rofi-emoji
# other
sudo pacman -S firefox nautilus vifm zathura evince redshift nextcloud-client flameshot clipmenu deepin-calculator thunderbird kdeconnect
paru -S spotify spicetify-cli networkmanager-dmenu-git
# TODO: finish this
- Migrate from Polybar to eww (and maybe use it for some other stuff as well)
- Maybe migrate from BSPWM to Hyprland
- Migrate away from Dunst
- wired-notify and linux_notification_center seem nice, but unfortunately neither of them support Wayland at the moment, which might become a problem. There's a couple Wayland notification daemons (mako and fnott), but they don't seem as flexible as I want. Maybe this is an opportunity to make my own