The visualization relies on some python libraries. Install them with
sudo pip install Flask Flask-Sockets Gunicorn
Run the server with
gunicorn -k flask_sockets.worker server:app
or if you need more options
gunicorn -k flask_sockets.worker server:app --bind --timeout 120 --log-level debug
is a repeater that reads from a websocket. You can create samples using any system.
As an example to create samples using wssh
python examples/ | wssh localhost:8000/sampler_input
Then open the client.html in a web browser
If you have pymc3 installed, try out some of the other examples
The frontend accepts JSON with the following format
format = "{" draw_types* "}"
draw_types = line | histogram | total | current
line = "\"linreg\": [" tuple* "]"
tuple = "{\"x\":" number "} , {\"y\":" number "}"
total = "\"total_samples\":" number
current = "\"current_sample\":" number
histogram = "\"rvars\": [" vars* "]"
vars = string ":" "[" samples "]"
samples = number*
Expect this grammar to be extended and made more modular