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[DEPRECATED] Git setup on server

zayac edited this page May 18, 2011 · 1 revision

Git installation guide (for Archlinux users).

  • Create a new user dedicated for repositories storing. In our case we will call him github:
    sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash github

sudo passwd github

  • Download git from repository. It doesn't needed to be configured:
    sudo pacman -S git
  • Login as github and create a repository directory in home. Let it call testrepo.git. Usually repository directory has .git postfix:
    mkdir ~/testrepo.git

cd ~/testrepo.git git --bare init --shared

We initialize this as a core repository with a feature of remote access for everybody who has SSH access to this server as github user.

IMPORTANT: Remote git connection is using SSH connection. Please, be sure that a committer has an opportunity to access server as github user.

Please, review SSH public key configuration chapter to be able to register SSH public keys.