crawler 致力于实现中文友好的网络抓取系统,项目基于PuerkitoBio的一个初级的并行的轻量级抓取库gocrawl.本项目目标:
- 实现分布式
- 增加机器学习算法
- 优化中文编码处理
- 完善文档
- Full control over the URLs to visit, inspect and query (using a pre-initialized [goquery][] document)
- Crawl delays applied per host
- Obedience to robots.txt rules (using the [robotstxt.go][robots] library)
- Concurrent execution using goroutines
- Configurable logging
- Open, customizable design providing hooks into the execution logic
crawl depends on the following userland libraries:
- [goquery][]
- [purell][]
- [robotstxt.go][robots]
To install:
go get
To install a previous version, you have to git clone into your $GOPATH/src/ directory, and then run (for example) git checkout v0.3.2 to checkout a specific version, and go install to build and install the Go package.
2015.01.16 start from PuerkitoBio.Thanks.
From example_test.go:
package gocrawl import ( "" "net/http" "regexp" "time" ) // Only enqueue the root and paths beginning with an "a" var rxOk = regexp.MustCompile(`http://duckduckgo\.com(/a.*)?$`) // Create the Extender implementation, based on the gocrawl-provided DefaultExtender, // because we don't want/need to override all methods. type ExampleExtender struct { DefaultExtender // Will use the default implementation of all but Visit() and Filter() } // Override Visit for our need. func (this *ExampleExtender) Visit(ctx *URLContext, res *http.Response, doc *goquery.Document) (interface{}, bool) { // Use the goquery document or res.Body to manipulate the data // ... // Return nil and true - let gocrawl find the links return nil, true } // Override Filter for our need. func (this *ExampleExtender) Filter(ctx *URLContext, isVisited bool) bool { return !isVisited && rxOk.MatchString(ctx.NormalizedURL().String()) } func ExampleCrawl() { // Set custom options opts := NewOptions(new(ExampleExtender)) opts.CrawlDelay = 1 * time.Second opts.LogFlags = LogAll // Play nice with ddgo when running the test! opts.MaxVisits = 2 // Create crawler and start at root of duckduckgo c := NewCrawlerWithOptions(opts) c.Run("") // Remove "x" before Output: to activate the example (will run on go test) // xOutput: voluntarily fail to see log output } ```
@TODO crawler Document
Refer to PuerkitoBio/gocrawl
- PuerkitoBio
- Richard Penman
- Dmitry Bondarenko
- Markus Sonderegger
The [BSD 3-Clause license][bsd].