This is a temporary fork of I changed some lifetimes and inner workings of the crate. After spending some more time with it, I am looking at sending a PR to the base repository.
A library for encoding mapbox vector tiles (MVT). Version 2.1 of the standard is supported.
The API is designed to prevent creating files which are not allowed by the specification.
use mvt::{Error, GeomEncoder, GeomType, Tile, Transform};
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut tile = Tile::new(4096);
let layer = tile.create_layer("First Layer");
let b = GeomEncoder::new(GeomType::Linestring, Transform::new())
.point(0.0, 0.0)
.point(1024.0, 0.0)
.point(1024.0, 2048.0)
.point(2048.0, 2048.0)
.point(2048.0, 4096.0)
let mut feature = layer.into_feature(b);
feature.add_tag_string("key", "value");
// Changed to address move issue.
let layer = feature.into_layer();
let data = tile.to_bytes()?;
println!("encoded {} bytes: {:?}", data.len(), data);
use mvt::{Error, GeomEncoder, GeomType, Tile, Transform};
struct SomePointData {
name: String,
x: f64,
y: f64,
impl SomePointData {
fn new(name: String, x: f64, y: f64) -> Self {
SomePointData { name, x, y }
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let point_data = vec![
SomePointData::new("darth".to_string(), -1f64, -1f64),
SomePointData::new("kylo".to_string(), -1f64, -0f64),
SomePointData::new("luke".to_string(), 1f64, 1f64),
let mut tile = Tile::new(4096);
let mut layer = tile.create_layer("First Layer");
let mut fcount = 0;
for pd in point_data {
let b = GeomEncoder::new(GeomType::Point, Transform::new())
.point(pd.x, pd.y)
let mut feature = layer.into_feature(b);
fcount += 1;
feature.add_tag_string("name", &;
// Closes/Commits the feature to the layer.
let data = tile.to_bytes()?;
println!("encoded {} bytes: {:?}", data.len(), data);
These are other rust projects with MVT support: