Command Line Interface clio is the utility for integration Creatio platform with development and CI/CD tools.
With aid of clio you can:
- Maintanance Creatio packages
- Create new packages in local file system
- Push package from local file system to cloud application
- Pull package from cloud application to local file system
- Compress package to .gz file
- Maintanance Creatio application
- Restart application
- Clear session and cache storage (redisdb)
- Build CI/CD pipelines
- Convert existing Creatio package to project
You can dowload release binaries from latest release. Unpack the archive with clio.
- Introduction
- Installation and features
- Content table
- Arguments
- Register
- Packages
- Application
- Environment settings
- Using for CI/CD systems
- Development
- package name<ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
- environment name<COMMAND_NAME>
- clio command name
To register clio as the global command, run the command in CLI directory:
dotnet clio.dll register
you can register clio for all users
dotnet clio.dll register -t m
- Download .net core for mac
- Download and extract clio release
- Register clio folder in PATH system variables
In terminal execute command for check success register
clio help
For display available commands use:
clio help
For display command help use:
clio <COMMAND_NAME> --help
To create new package project, use the next command:
clio new-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME>
you can set reference on local core assembly with using Creatio file design mode with command in Pkg directory
clio new-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME> -r bin
To install package from directory you can use the next command: for non compressed package in current folder
clio push-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME>
or for .gz packages you can use command:
clio push-pkg package.gz
or with full path
clio push-pkg C:\Packages\package.gz
for get installation log file specify report path parameter
clio push-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME> -r log.txt
For download package to local file system from application use command:
clio pull-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME>
for pull package from non default application
Applies to Creatio 7.14.0 and up
To delete package, use the next command:
clio delete-pkg-remote <PACKAGE_NAME>
for delete for non default application
clio delete-pkg-remote <PACKAGE_NAME> -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
For compress package into *.gz archive for directory which contain package folder
clio generate-pkg-zip <PACKAGE_NAME>
or you can specify full path for package and .gz file
clio generate-pkg-zip C:\Packages\package -d C:\Store\package.gz
To restart Creatio application, use the next command for default environment:
clio restart-web-app
or for register application
clio restart-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
For default application
clio clear-redis-db
or non default application
clio clear-redis-db <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
Environment is the set of configuration options. It consist of name, Creatio application URL, login and password.
Register new application settings
clio reg-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> -u -l administrator -p password
or update existing settings
clio reg-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> -u administrator -p password
clio unreg-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
For view list of all applications
clio show-web-app-list
or for concrete application
clio show-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>
In CI/CD systems, you can specify configuration options directly when calling command:
clio restart -u -l administrator -p password
Convert package with name MyApp and MyIntegration, located in directory C:\Pkg
clio convert <PACKAGE_NAME>
Execute code from assembly
clio execute-assembly-code -f myassembly.dll -t MyNamespace.CodeExecutor
Set references for project on src
clio ref-to src
Set references for project on application distributive binary files
clio ref-to bin
Execute custom SQL script on a web application
execute-sql-script "SELECT Id FROM SysSettings WHERE Code = 'CustomPackageId'"
Executes custom SQL script from specified file
execute-sql-script -f c:\Path to file\file.sql