[#279 ] iOS: sometimes iOS devices udid detected by udev without dash
[#275 ] move APPIUM_APP_* into the main.yml
[#274 ] Wrap ansible command in OS detection script
[#269 ] bump up to appium:2.0.9
[#268 ] bump up to the mcloud-device:2.6.1
[#267 ] provide global settings for APPIUM_APP_* properties
[#219 ] remove useless APPIUM_HOST env var for appium container
[#218 ] remove useless mcloud-storage-volume:/opt/zebrunner share
[#1 ] [Enhancement]support for android emulator
[#265 ] dev/null on usr/local/bin/mcloud-devices.txt
[#263 ] iOS device is not available on STF after disconnect and connect to mac
[#237 ] invalid error message when device not found
[#233 ] remove workaround for the dashes in roles/devices/templates/mcloud-devices.txt
[#222 ] on down and restart iPhones volume removal produce an error
Won't Fix
[#266 ] investigate possibility to use go ios to check device availability
[#211 ] try to do stop and down in background
You can’t perform that action at this time.