This script use Google, Bing and Yahoo to download a list of URL's based on your search.
The script download all the HTML and grep it to a flat file. After this, process all the links in the HTML and generate a new output file (second level of links).
If you need a lot of emails and don't want stay a lot of time browsing in boring sites... Use my script.
A normal search could take about 2hr's (depending your connection) and will download around 50MB.
Tested under Ubuntu 15.10
Pre requirements: lynx curl awk
If you want to improve it:
1 - Next step is to split the huge file (with split for example) that is downloaded and run parallel scripts to process it.
2 - Allow user to chose how many levels of Links he want download
3 - Add more Search engines (the sintaxe change between Search Engines)
apt-get install git-all (Debian based)
yum install git-all (RedHat based)
git clone
cd mailsearch
chmod 755
Or... copy & paste and be happy...
If you like it, star my repo and don't delete my email from source code