VIVO is an open source semantic web tool for research discovery -- finding people and the research they do.
VIVO supports editing, searching, browsing and visualizing research activity in order to discover people, programs, facilities, funding, scholarly works and events. VIVO's search returns results faceted by type for rapid retrieval of desired information across disciplines at one institution or, through a prototype at, across multiple distributed institutions.
Installation instructions for the latest release can be found at this location on the wiki:
There are several ways to contact the VIVO community. Whatever your interest, we would be pleased to hear from you.
The best place to get your hands dirty in the VIVO Project. Developers and implementers frequent this list to get the latest on feature design, development planning, and testing.
The VIVO-ISF ontology serves as the data model for the VIVO application as well as an independent ontology for representing researchers in the context of their experience, outputs, interests, accomplishments, and associated institutions. This list is a place where you can
- raise modeling requirements,
- share your domain expertise to improve or extend the ontology,
- discuss the technical details of the design of the VIVO-ISF ontology,
- share general ontology topics and news.
Implementing VIVO for the first time? Upgrading to the latest version? This list brings implementers together to help identify and solve questions ranging from installation to best practices.