Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
- HTML5, Bootstrap CSS and Custom SASS file
- SQLAlchemy for DB execution
- Cloud Heroku Prostgre DB
- Python 3.8
- goodreads API
- import.py : Stand-alone program use to load books.csv data into books table.
- application.py: Main python web application program to handles the web request and response, Also published API book detail resource.
- layout.html : It is use as template.
- register.html : User registration page, to create a username and password.
- login.html : Site login page to enter the website.
- searchbook.html : It use to search books for reviews. You can search by isbn, title or author.
- detailbook.html : Book detail with reviews, and you can also add reviews. On this page we are getting counts and rating from goodreads API.
- http://localhost:5000/api/bookdetail/<isbn>
static folder contains sass and css file