* step1:导入WMPageController工具包
* step2:创建一个视图时继承自WMPageController,作为主视图(如MainViewController,它是用来放滚动菜单栏的)
* step3:(初始化时建议使用单例,且使用导航栏套在MainViewController上.使用- (instancetype)initWithViewControllerClasses:(NSArray<Class> *)classes andTheirTitles:(NSArray<NSString *> *)titles方法初始化MainViewController,其中classes是类名数组,如可以是@[[ContainerViewController class],[ContainerViewController class],[ContainerViewController class]],titles是标题数组,如@[@"头条",@"体育",@"娱乐"],但是标题数组与类数组数量必须相同.
* step4:在初始化方法中设置主视图控制器对象mainVC的属性keys(这是用来帮控制器视图设置.h文件中的属性的),如@[@"infoType",@"infoType",@"infoType"](infoType就是属性名),设置mainVC.values,这是每个key对应的属性值,如@[@(0),@(1),@(2)]
* step5:可以在初始化方法下使用mainVC.xxx修改属性值设置样式,属性解释见下表1(如有不全自行查看WMPageController.h文件(以下属性均是可选属性,已有默认值)
* step6:创建一个控制器视图ContainerViewController,在.h文件中声明一个NSNumber类型的属性infoType用来告诉控制器视图显示的样式
* step7:在ContainerViewController.m中根据接收过来的infoType显示相应的页面。
* step8:在要显示这个滚动视图的位置推出MainViewController即可(如直接在appdelegate中)
* 设置选中几号 item
* To select item at index
@property (nonatomic, assign) int selectIndex;
* 点击相邻的 MenuItem 是否触发翻页动画 (当当前选中与点击Item相差大于1是不触发)
* Whether to animate when press the MenuItem, if distant between the selected and the pressed is larger than 1,never animate.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL pageAnimatable;
* 选中时的标题尺寸
* The title size when selected (animatable)
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat titleSizeSelected;
* 非选中时的标题尺寸
* The normal title size (animatable)
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat titleSizeNormal;
* 标题选中时的颜色, 颜色是可动画的.
* The title color when selected, the color is animatable.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *titleColorSelected;
* 标题非选择时的颜色, 颜色是可动画的.
* The title's normal color, the color is animatable.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *titleColorNormal;
* 标题的字体名字
* The name of title's font
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *titleFontName;
* 导航栏高度
* The menu view's height
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat menuHeight;
* 下划线占总长比例
* The menu view's ratio 默认为1.0
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat menuUnderLineRatio;
// 当所有item的宽度加起来小于屏幕宽时,PageController会自动帮助排版,添加每个item之间的间隙以填充整个宽度
// When the sum of all the item's width is smaller than the screen's width, pageController will add gap to each item automatically, in order to fill the width.
* 每个 MenuItem 的宽度
* The item width,when all are same,use this property
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat menuItemWidth;
* 各个 MenuItem 的宽度,可不等,数组内为 NSNumber.
* Each item's width, when they are not all the same, use this property, Put `NSNumber` in this array.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray<NSNumber *> *itemsWidths;
* 导航栏背景色
* The background color of menu view
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *menuBGColor;
* Menu view 的样式,默认为无下划线
* Menu view's style, now has two different styles, 'Line','default'
@property (nonatomic, assign) WMMenuViewStyle menuViewStyle;
* 进度条的颜色,默认和选中颜色一致(如果 style 为 Default,则该属性无用)
* The progress's color,the default color is same with `titleColorSelected`.If you want to have a different color, set this property.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *progressColor;
* 是否作为 NavigationBar 的 titleView 展示,默认 NO
* Whether to show on navigation bar, the default value is `NO`
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL showOnNavigationBar;
/** 下划线进度条的高度 */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat progressHeight;
/** WMPageController View' frame */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGRect viewFrame;
* Menu view items' margin / make sure it's count is equal to (controllers' count + 1),default is 0
顶部菜单栏各个 item 的间隙,因为包括头尾两端,所以确保它的数量等于控制器数量 + 1, 默认间隙为 0
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray<NSNumber *> *itemsMargins;
* set itemMargin if all margins are the same, default is 0
如果各个间隙都想同,设置该属性,默认为 0
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat itemMargin;
/** 顶部 menuView 和 scrollView 之间的间隙 */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat menuViewBottom;