This is a Lita handler for assigning labels and users to github pull-requests, based on statuses, as well as notifying in slack #channel.
currently still not released to gemfiles
Add lita-github-issues to your Lita instance's Gemfile:
gem "lita-github-pinger", github: "zenedge/lita-github-issues", branch: "master"
Add Github Webhook for
so bot would be notified, when and which PRs to check.
config.handlers.github_pinger.default_channel = "bots" # Channel where message about Failed, Passed PR will be posted
config.handlers.github_pinger.github_token = "" # Oauth token for github PR statuses
config.handlers.github_pinger.required_passes = %w(tests integration) # contexts of statuses that need to pass/fail for notification
config.handlers.github_pinger.fail_label = "needs-fixing" # which label to assign when PR is marked failed
config.handlers.github_pinger.review_label = "needs-review" # which label to assign when PR is marked success
config.handlers.github_pinger.assign_reviewer = "Terry" # github user name of user to assign which will do the reviewing
config.handlers.github_pinger.notify_once = true # Notifies once or for each status change
config.handlers.github_pinger.engineers = { # Information about engineers, to link between slack and github accounts.
"James" => {
usernames: {
slack: "james",
github: "bond"