Head of Communications/Sales / Junior Dev at Bisonai, occasional-DJ. Currently: Upskilling in Web3, React and Business Strategy! I spend my time learning new technologies and building things with them. Based in Tokyo, Japan.
Timezone: Tokyo, Japan (GMT+9)
🔭 I’m currently working on building some projects on Scrimba.com Front End Developer Path!
🌱 I’m currently learning React, Solidity/Blockchain App development and Korean!.
🎓 Law (LL.B) and B.A (Japanese) graduate at Griffith University.
👨💻 Some of my projects are available at my portfolio page.
📝 I very occasionally write articles on hashnode and medium.
🚲 I love cycling on my Brompton. I am interested in records/music, creating things with code or in real life, crypto and language learning.
🎧 Here are some DJ sets that I have recorded and uploaded to Mixcloud. and a playlist of music that I've chosen for anytime, day or night. I update it now and again! YouTube Music playlist.
Thanks for visiting! 😄