Zeno-theme for Emacs
A dark theme using different shades of blue for Emacs. Inspired by Dracula themes
Screenshot info: Spacemacs, Source-Code-Pro font. To change the modeline and cursor on spacemacs with evil-mode
(setq evilNormalColor "#D2527F")
(setq evilInsertColor "#2ABB9B")
(setq evilVisualColor "#665C7E")
(setq evil-normal-state-cursor `(box ,evilNormalColor))
(setq evil-insert-state-cursor `((bar . 3) ,evilInsertColor))
(setq spaceline-highlight-face-func 'spaceline-highlight-face-evil-state)
'spaceline-evil-normal nil :background evilNormalColor :foreground "black")
'spaceline-evil-visual nil :background evilVisualColor :foreground "white")
'spaceline-evil-insert nil :background evilInsertColor :foreground "black")
Installing using MELPA
M-x package-install <RET> zeno-theme
M-x customize-group: zeno-theme
Enables italics for functions, directories, comments