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Releases: zeobviouslyfakeacc/HungerRevamped


31 Oct 21:23
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.95+ and MelonLoader v0.4.3+.


  • Updated the mod for TLD v1.95

DLL SHA-1: 37f215c1b987cb1446a69b65d46055b8703cc245


21 Jun 01:05
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.94+ and MelonLoader v0.4.0+.


  • Added a number of features previously included in TLD-Bugfixes and made many parts of HungerRevamped configurable using ModSettings:
    • Added a setting to allow or forbid eating ruined food items
    • Added a setting to allow or forbid cooking ruined food items
    • Added a setting to use TLD-Bugfixes' more gradual food poisoning probabilities
    • Added a setting to enable or disable the food poisoning incubation time
    • Added a setting to remove the food poisoning immunity gained by achieving level 5 of the cooking skill (disabled by default)
    • Added a setting to fix the cooking skill exploit where cooking tiny pieces of meat would still reward cooking skill points
    • Added a setting to double the condition of cooked food items instead of adding a flat 50%
    • Made canned food items harvestable. Harvesting yields the recycled can the food is stored in
    • Many thanks to @ds5678 for porting these features to MelonLoader and bringing them to HungerRevamped!
  • Removed a workaround for an earlier version of MelonLoader / Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower.

DLL SHA-1: 4f0b022655ec6153c801e0b3e397a1a250ead1de


22 Dec 19:17
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.92+ and MelonLoader v0.2.7.4+.


  • Fixed crashing due to memory corruption
  • Fixed hunger status bar minus icon disappearing after a scene load
  • Work around GearItem.RollForFoodPoisoning being inlined
  • Switch to the newer MelonLoader attributes for compatibility with upcoming MelonLoader releases

DLL SHA-1: 7968a445275613005fe6ae5a5e8adb8476380c00


13 Jul 21:20
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.78+ and MelonLoader v0.2.4.


  • Ported the mod to MelonLoader and the current version of The Long Dark

DLL SHA-1: 73c0d38c70b59f06e57fbf1dda71ba0bd77bc70e


10 Nov 03:13
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.56.


  • Add a custom mode setting that lets you specify the starting stored calorie amount
  • Changed how storing / draining calories and starving is displayed on the hunger bar
    • A green plus or a red minus sign now indicate whether calories are being stored into or taken out of the calorie store
    • The not-yet-starving red hunger bar now only serves as a warning that the player will start starving soon
  • Wake up the player when they contract food poisoning while sleeping
  • Increase the success rate of antibiotics to prevent food poisoning to 90%
  • Changed the .NET Framework target version back to 3.5, as it should be.

DLL SHA-1: 2e7093fd6a984416812ab07c2ee238beeadc68ef


01 Jun 22:40
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Release for The Long Dark versions 1.48.1 - 1.56.


  • Replaced the missing hunger icon texture in the status screen
  • Recompiled for TLD v1.48.1

DLL SHA-1: f45ab510a9ffa76abda5dfdc0ec3a23111c8a8f2


03 Feb 16:51
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.41 - 1.47.


  • Reduce food poisoning damage while sleeping by 75%
    • The player should not be unfairly punished for contracting the delayed food poisoning while resting

DLL SHA-1: c71a504043eb1ee382a0cf2260fed35a9d7f61c0


05 Jan 17:04
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.41 - 1.47.


  • Fixed broken first aid screen & status bar visuals
  • Added an incubation period to food poisoning
    • Instead of getting food poisoning instantly, you'll now get it a 4 - 16 hours after eating
    • You'll still see which food item caused the affliction
    • Taking antibiotics after eating spoiled food can prevent getting food poisoning
  • Adjusted the Well Fed bonus
    • Getting the bonus depends on how full your hunger bar has been over the past few days and how many stored calories you have
    • Transferring calories out or even starving doesn't instantly remove the well fed bonus
    • The carry capacity increase starts at 2.5 kg and can go up to 7.5 kg
    • Removed the condition bonus until Hinterland's implementation is a bit less stupid
  • Some balancing changes
    • Having lots of stored calories now also slightly increases your calorie burn rate
  • Some bug fixes and general code improvements
  • Updated Harmony reference

DLL SHA-1: 9dd9cb759723c8ad601849eee8ac947493e649e8


02 Sep 22:00
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.27 - 1.40.


  • Switched to Hinterland's JSON parser.
    This was done mainly as a precaution, but it can also prevent some erroneous JSON parsing in rare circumstances.

DLL SHA-1: b6be3743ea1ab4bbc0376ce16193c0874cccb7ab


22 Jul 00:18
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.27 - 1.40.


  • Fixed maximum hunger bar calories in custom experience modes.
    The bug would "fix itself" after a scene transition.

DLL SHA-1: 28a9a4233bb6420481412581660597dc70c257bd