Francy Python adapter for representing graphs in Jupyter
Based on Francy
Download the source from the git repository:
$ git clone
Change to the root directory and run:
$ pip install --upgrade --no-index -v .
For convenience this package contains a [makefile](makefile) with this and other often used commands. Should you wish too, you can use the shorthand:
$ make install
# For JupyterLab
$ jupyter lab build
# For Notebook
$ jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix jupyter_francy
Once the package is installed, you can use it in Jupyter Notebook.
from francy_widget import FrancyWidget import networkx g = network.PathGraph(3) w = FrancyWidget(g) w
See the demo notebook.
This package is usable also within the Sagemath environment:
See the Sage example notebook.
Once the package is installed, you can use the Python test system
configured in
to run the tests:
$ python -m doctest
The documentation of the package can be generated using
$ cd docs $ make html
All my thanks to Manuel Machado Martins for his excellent Francy package, to Sebastian Gutsche, Sylvain Corlay, Claus Fieker and Nicolas Thiéry for various help at different stages.